We had another successful PWSA meeting last night.  We are seeing many new faces and appreciate the level of participation.

Jaimie Krycho was our speaker and shared some valuable information for writers.

Our organization is registered with UOSA and our constitution has been reviewed and accepted.  Funding is in the works.

We have a tax number now and our anthology will be forthcoming very soon!

We had pizza, chocolate and fun at the meeting!  Hope to see you at the next one.

Rebecca Horner set up a Doodle.com poll for us to be able to consider the best time for the meetings in the future.  Please go to the following link and share your input.


The next meeting will be on Thursday, September 29 at 5:45 in Gaylord Hall 3150 or 3160.

Find us and join Facebook at Professional Writing Student Association and Friends.

Thank you!