From: Shuger, Jill (HRSA) [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2011 12:27 PM
Subject: HRSA Grant opportunity for support of NBS for CCHD & Technical Ass't Call Dec 16


The link below will take you to the announcement for the new demonstration grant project for introduction and implementation of CCHD screening.  Please feel free to share it with other interested parties.;jsessionid=KTLnTWPRJnPPHJTn8ssyXtCPyNsMn921MJQDqQqJvvdRYC2ZLcCJ!-64218969?oppId=132334&mode=VIEW


Link to Apply:


If you are interested in applying for the CCHD demonstration grants and have questions, we will be having a Technical Assistance call on Dec. 16th at 1pm EST.

If you have specific question that you want thoughtful answers to, we would appreciate having those emailed to us prior to the call.  We will do our best to be prepared.  Send any questions to [log in to unmask]

If you send them to me, they may get lost in my email box….


Conference Call information:

Phone:  877-491-0278

Passcode: 6483638


Sara Copeland, MD
Acting Chief, Genetics Services Branch

Division of Services for Children with Special Health Needs

Maternal and Child Health Bureau

5600 Fishers Lane. Rm 18-A-19

Rockville, MD 20857



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