Unlike Us 2: Understanding Social Media Monopolies and their Alternatives - March 8-10, 2012 Amsterdam (NL)Dear Colleagues,

For all of the reasons we all know so well, UNESCO last November announced 13th February as WORLD RADIO DAY. 

2012 is the first time this new, international day is celebrated around the world. Background documentation is available here: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/communication-and-information/events/prizes-and-celebrations/celebrations/world-radio-day/ and here as well: http://www.worldradioday.org/ posted by the Spanish Radio Academy, initiating the proces

The number of events is growing including what UNESCO presents on their site, the Bangladesh NGO Network for Radio and Communication is celebrating, we are a group celebrating in London: http://worldradiodaylondon.eventbrite.com/ These are highlighted here: https://www.facebook.com/WorldRadioDay as we get closer. No doubt, next year will be more visible – or should we rather say: noisier? But let us do what we can, yes=

World Radio Day is OUR DAY – we all could and should do all we can to celebrate it, in all the many ways and forms we can!

***Do share activities planned by all of you on the FB site!


Birgitte Jallov
Gudhjemvej 62
DK-3760 Gudhjem

Tel: +45.56 49 83 48
Cell: +45.61 54 67 61
Fax: +45.56 49 83 28
Skype: birgittejallov
Web: www.birgitte-jallov.com

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