FYI, writers. Here's a job! Begin forwarded message: From: "Carstarphen, Meta G." <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>> Date: January 24, 2012 2:59:55 PM CST To: <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>> Subject: New graduate assistantship available--writing for a Computer Science faculty team Reply-To: Communication of faculty in Gaylord <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>> Colleagues: Our college has been working hard to make various collaborative opportunities happen, and we have a new opportunity for one of our graduate students. Computer Science wants to hire a Master's student--preferably PW but not necessarily--to help prepare a manuscript. I have sent a broad announcement to all graduate students but if you can help spread the word, it would be much appreciated. See details below: A new assistantship opportunity for one of our graduate students has been offered, to be funded by the Computer Science department. The position can begin immediately, and will involve helping faculty to assemble materials from a research project into a book form. The broad topic of this research involves intermodal-containerized freight security. Position details: • 20 hours a week with flexible times • $1,500 @ month (includes tuition waiver, and is health benefits-eligible • no required office time—student can work from anywhere, including home • draft results expected by summer, but the work could extend through the calendar year • Supervisor: Dr. Sridhar Radhakrishnan The best candidate for this position would be someone with strong writing skills and an affinity for technical topics. To apply for this position, please send me a resume and a short writing sample as soon as possible to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> Let me know if you have any questions, and I look forward to hearing from interested candidates soon. Sincerely, Meta Meta G. Carstarphen, Ph.D., APR Graduate Director--Gaylord College of Journalism & Mass Communication University of Oklahoma 395 W. Lindsey Blvd-Room 3120B Norman, OK 73019 PH: (405) 325-5227 * FX: (405) 325-7565<> Twitter: DrMCar LinkedIn:Meta G. Carstarphen Gaylord Family Professor & Associate Professor Deborah Chester John Crain Presidential Professor Gaylord College of Journalism & Mass Communication 395 W. Lindsey Street Norman, OK 73019 (405) 325-4192 [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>