Please take a look at the Wells Lecture Program the university approved for this year's Ida B. Wells Lecture the MAC co-sponsors for PF&R.  It is free and open to the public.  Of course you are all invited.  Forgive me for the lateness of sending the program to you but the new approval process for everything takes lots more time as does the unusually large amount of drama and trauma in general around here this semester.

Know Justice; Know Peace,
Rev. Dr. E-K Daufin, Professor of Communication
Media & Society Size Equity National Expert
Winner - 2000 MaryAnn Yodelis-Smith
  Research Award AEJMC CSW
AEJMC MAC Membership Chair
Alabama State University
915 S. Jackson St.
Montgomery, AL 36101-0271
(334) 229-6885
Please follow me to my home country where the definitions are daufinations at:<>
Your research and creative activity referrals are welcomed.
With all my heart I want to work with and for kind, competent, strong people who love and help me and I they.  Ashe!