Dear Chris & Barbara:

This  has always been a theme very near my heart.  For example, *El desden
con el desden* was very successful as a play in the early
nineteenth-century German version of Josef Schreyvogel under the title *Donna
Diana*.  It was then set to music in mid-century as a opera by Reznicek
(only the tuneful overture is regularly heard these days).  But the opera
is still there to be studied.

There are "scores" of such Hispanic works turned into operas (no pun

First, I do not know where MLA is taking place next year.  Can you tell me?

Second, are there any exclusions or preferences beyond the ban on Don Juan
and Don Quixote?

With best wishes,

Henry Sullivan.

On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 4:35 PM, Christopher Weimer <[log in to unmask]>wrote:

>   Saludos!  Seeking submissions for a special session proposal at the
> 2013 MLA.  Thanks in advance!
> Chris Weimer
> Barbara Simerka
> ***Hispanic Literature on the Opera Stage***
>  <><><><><>
>  Special Session
> Roundtable exploring operatic treatments of Hispanic literary texts.
> Seeking a range of treatments and sources beyond operas based on Don Juan
> and Don Quixote. 250-word abstracts, CV's by 1 March 2012; Christopher
> Weimer ([log in to unmask]).