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The United Nations Association in Canada’s Multimedia & Multiculturalism project presents:
Diversity, Media and Representation

A conference on access to the media and the representation of ethnocultural communities

Montréal 30-03-2012

Location: UQAM, Coeur des sciences
Room/Salle: La Chaufferie
175, avenue du Président-Kennedy



*a light breakfast (8:15 a.m.) & lunch (12:00 p.m.) will be provided*

9:00 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.
Roundtable Discussion 1:

Mainstream meets citizen media
While mainstream media is critiqued for having too many gatekeepers, citizen media is critiqued for not having enough. But can the two complement each other? And could the complementary roles present new opportunities for underrepresented ethnocultural communities in terms of media access and shaping media content?

  a.. Arndell Florent LeBlanc, President, Journalists for Human Rights (Montreal)
  b.. Damiano Raveenthiran, VP Social Media and Promotions, Journalists for Human Rights (Montreal)
  c.. Dominique Jarry-Shore, Montreal Editor, OpenFile
  d.. Mathew Johnson, Director of Education, Media Awareness Network (Ottawa)
  e.. Nantali Indongo, Journalist, Co-Founder – Hip Hop, No Pop (Montreal)
  f.. Oussaymah Canbarieh – Reporter & Creator – “Me, the muslim next door” Radio Canada International (Montreal)
  g.. Yves Théorêt, Secretary General, UNESCO Chair in Communications (ORBICOM), UQAM (Montreal)
11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Parallel Working Groups

  a) Media Literacy Tool Kit: How Ethnicity Shapes Media Stories:
  Participants will contribute and give feedback towards the production of a guide for facilitators of workshops on media literacy and how ethnicity shapes media stories.

  b) Resource sharing presentations on media literacy:
  Nantali Indongo, Co-Founder, Hip Hop, No Pop

1:30 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.
Roundtable Discussion 2: 

Ethnocultural media – representation or ghettoization?
How do we portray our own communities when we are the gate keepers? How do the economics of media shape the messages and the messenger?

  a.. Alice Musabende, Freelance reporter and television producer & part- time communications coordinator with the Canadian Centre for International Justice (Ottawa)
  b.. Antonio D’Alfonso, Former publisher, Guernica Editions/Writer (Montreal)
  c.. Christiana Abraham, Visitng scholar at the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada (Montreal)
  d.. Lena Palacios, Joint Ph.D. Student in Educational Studies and Communication Studies, McGill University (Montreal)
  e.. Lorna Roth, Professor, Communications Studies, Concordia University (Montreal)
  f.. M. Donald Jean, President, Director General, Média Mosaïque Montréal (Agence de Presse) (Montreal)

4:00 p.m.- 5:30 p.m.  
Parallel Working Groups

  a) Media Literacy Tool Kit: How Ethnicity Shapes Media Stories
  Participants will contribute and give feedback towards the production of a guide for facilitators of workshops on media literacy and how ethnicity shapes media stories.

  b) Resource sharing presentations on media literacy:
  Mathew Johnson, Director of Education, Media Awareness Network (Ottawa)

7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Location: Lallouz Café & Kebabarie, 4561 St. Laurent Blvd.

A multimedia showcase by Montreal media artists.  Each media artist will be given seven minutes to present their work (20 slides X 20 seconds each). This will be followed by a guided networking activity.

  a.. Coco Riot, visual artist
  b.. Dina Mansour, Domenica Barreca, Maude Ravenelle, YMCA Diversity Project (video)
  c.. eL Seed, graffiti/calligraphy artist 
  d.. Elisha Lim, Art & Storytelling
  e.. Karim jabbari, Calligraphy artist
  f.. Massoud Raouf, filmmaker
  g.. Nantali Indogo, Hip Hop artist (TBC)
For more information, contact Elvira Truglia, Montreal Regional Coordinator, Multiculturalism & Multimedia at [log in to unmask]

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