
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [ciresearchers] Reminder--CIRN Conference 2012. Abstracts/proposals due by April 15 2012
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2012 18:32:41 -0700
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CIRN 2012 Community Informatics Conference 7-9 Nov 2012: 'Ideals meet Reality'

 Just a short reminder message.

Don't forget to submit your abstracts & proposals for all streams, including the doctoral consortium before the deadline. 
Go to for all details, including keynotes and special sessions. 

 "For all the ideals and theories which each of us bring to practice, there is 
 always the grand reality check--sometimes the 'wall' is permeable, at other 
 times, it remains a barrier. The issue is sometimes, technical, sometimes, 
 social-technical, and all things between. Whatever the case, each situation 
 is different and requires a high level of skill to navigate and sometimes, 
 the strength and persistence to achieve a breakthrough.

 We want to hear these stories and reflections in our to improve the theories 
 and practices that we work with. We are interested in papers and 
 presentations as they are carried out in what are known as community 
 informatics or development informatics, but of course, there are people 
 working in areas such a social and medical informatics, as well as education, 
 for whom these problems (and solutions) are equally relevant."

 Larry Stillman
 for the Conference