From: Ben Gunter [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2012 22:22
To: Lauer, A Robert
Subject: call for HELP in distributing a call for participants

Dear Bob Lauer:
ASTR is sponsoring a working session on Comedia next fall, aimed at exploring new approaches to teaching, staging, and researching Caro's Valor, agravio y mujer and Lope's Nuevo mundo
Our goal is to build teams of theater people and language scholars, mixing experts and newcomers to the field, and put the teams to work discussing the plays online, before the conference brings everyone face to face in Nashville for research reports and informed debate.
ASTR is advertising the working session to its membership, from which we hope to attract team members with general theater backgrounds. 
Could we prevail on you to post the attached call for participants to your list?  Since ASTR would like to hear from interested people by May 31, the call is urgent.
yours hopefully,
Ben Gunter
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Estimado Ben,


Se ve muy interesante e innovador este proyecto.


Saludos cordiales de




Prof. A. Robert Lauer
The University of Oklahoma
Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
780 Van Vleet Oval, Kaufman Hall, Room 206
Norman, Oklahoma 73019-2032, USA
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Tel.: 405-325-5845 (office); 405-325-6181 (dept.); Fax: 405-325-0103 (dept.)
Vision: Harmonious collaboration in an international world.
Mission: "Visualize clearly and communicate promptly"
Vita / Ibérica / BCom / ACal / Anagnórisis / Estudios Hispánicos / AsocCervantistas ColCervantes / ColTeatro / Intute >