PWSA Notes 2/7/13


-Bake sale on Valentine’s Day (Thursday, February 14)- 11am-3pm-

- location: downstairs in front of Hall of Fame room, Gaylord main entrance

-Our next meeting will be Thursday, February 21st, 2013 at 5:15 PM in the Professional Writing Alcove

-Big Event in March- any interest? We still have some time to figure out if we want to volunteer or not, but it’s a great opportunity for community service and it’ll really get our name out

-Book Drive in April

            -we will have boxes to put the books in soon- more info to come

-Field Trip: week of March 4th  

-tentative date: Friday afternoon (March 8th)

-animal forensics lab

-more info to come

-Anthology: edits will be due in March, also depends on when we can access the email

            -if you’re new to our organization and are interested in submitting, you have until February 14th to send your story to [log in to unmask]

-Game time! Word Scramble! Trust game!

-We are talking about maybe meeting up on weeks that we don’t have meetings and getting dinner and hanging out. It’ll just be a good way for us to get to know each other better. Like Shelby said, we’re all about the group dynamic and we hope to become a close-knit group. More information to come.

-Be sure to join our Facebook Group: Professional Writing Student Association and Friends

-If you have a Twitter, follow us @OUPWSA

-If there’s anything you guys want promoted or have any ideas about the Facebook page or Twitter, talk to Annie ([log in to unmask])