FYI ... ________________________________ From: First Book [[log in to unmask]] Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2013 2:37 PM To: Chester, Deborah A. Subject: Hurricane Sandy: Six Months Later [View in Browser] <> [Subscribe] <> [First Book News logo]<> [First Book logo] <> [In this issue] After the Storm: We Have One Million Books for Kids Affected by Hurricane Sandy, and We Need Your Help 50,000 Schools and Community Programs (Yes! 50,000!) Young Diplomat Killed While Bringing Books to Kids [] [Follow us on Twitter button] <> [Like Us on Facebook button]<> [Follow us on Tumblr button]<> After the Storm: We Have One Million Books for Kids Affected by Hurricane Sandy, and We Need Your Help [One Million Books for Kids Affected by Hurricane Sandy]<>Since Hurricane Sandy struck the East Coast six months ago, First Book has been working to help local schools, community programs and families rebuild their lost libraries. Now, thanks to our friends at Random House, we have over one million brand-new, high-quality kid’s books to rebuild tens of thousands of home and classroom libraries. But we need your help to get them into the hands of kids in need. Share this blog post<> with anyone you know who works with kids in need in any of the states affected by Hurricane Sandy, even if their school or program wasn't physically damaged. Click here to help fund First Book's ongoing Sandy relief efforts<>. [Get Involved with First Book] [Donate] <> [Volunteer] <> [Get Books] <> First Book in the news: "Stealing a Page From the Business World" There's a terrific story in this week's Washington Post about First Book and our president, Kyle Zimmer. The story explains why First Book is a social enterprise rather than a traditional charity: creating social change by harnessing market forces. "We need new models of enterprises focused on social issues that are robust and that are market-driven so that they become permanent," Kyle says in the story. [Kyle Zimmer in the Washington Post]<> Click here to read the story<>. 50,000 Local Schools and Community Programs (Yes! 50,000!) [First Book Supports 50,000 Local Schools and Community Progr]Last year First Book set a goal of reaching more kids in need by doubling the number of local schools and community programs in our national network, from 25,000 to 50,000. Done. Over 50,000 Title I classrooms, early childhood education programs, afterschool programs, museums and libraries, housing authorities, faith-based organizations, military family support programs, health clinics and others are now signed up with First Book, and every one of them now has permanent, ongoing access to a steady stream of brand-new, high-quality books and educational resources for their kids. If you know someone who works with kids in need, make sure they're signed up with First Book<>. We have new books for their kids, too! Young Diplomat Killed While Bringing Books to Kids [Young Diplomat Killed While Bringing Books to Kids]We were deeply saddened to learn about the death of Anne Smedinghoff, 25, a foreign service officer killed in Afghanistan while bringing books to kids in need. Though no one at First Book knew Smedinghoff, her mission resonated with our own. Andrew Meyer, First Book's operations manager, sent a touching email to First Book staff, which, after some prodding, he let us post to our blog. Click here to read Andrew's email.<> [] First Book 1319 F Street, NW, Suite 1000<> Washington, DC 20004 2013 © First Book. All Rights Reserved [Canadian flag image] First Book Canada<> [Contact Us button] <> [Forward this email button] <> [Unsubscribe button] <> [] [powered by CONVIO] <> nonprofit software <>