Um... I'll be there:)

Kim N5OP

On Wednesday, May 1, 2013, Ford, Victoria L. wrote:

>  Hey everybody,
>  If we could get a quick headcount for this Saturday's cookout so we can
> pick up extra necessary supplies and food that would be much appreciated.
>  Dr. Elmore's address & directions:
> It's 1600  Burlwood Rd. About half way between E 48th and E 60th on
> Robinson. There's a brick facade sign that says "Burlwood Country Estates,"
> framing the entrance on the north side of Robinson. You can only go north
> on Burlwood Rd. Ours is the only log house along with the only one bedecked
> with antennas, all at the far end of Burlwood Rd. can't miss it, especially
> if you find it on Google maps.
>  Thank you!
> Victoria Ford
> W5TC Secretary