From: Tom Lathrop [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 10:11
To: Lauer, A Robert; Carmen Salazar
Subject: RE: Tristes noticias--Albert Sicroff

Hemos perdido a otro cervantista, Albert Sicroff, a los 95 anyos, que murio en California el 5 de junio. Hizo su doctorado en el College de France, una de las instituciones mas prestigiosas del mundo, en 1948. Su tesis Les controverses des statuts de pureté de sang en Espagne du XV au XVII siècle (Paris: Didier, 1960), y fue publicada en espanyol tambien, la cual la re-editamos recientemente en la serie Juan de la Cuesta: Los estatutos de limpieza de sangre: controversias entre los siglos XV a XVII. Albert fue alumno de Americo Castro, y ensenyo en Queens College. A mi me gustaba discutir problemas cervantinos con Albert. Se puede escribir a su viuda, Carmen ([log in to unmask]).

Tom Lathrop

From: [log in to unmask] [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 11:01
To: [log in to unmask]; Lauer, A Robert
Subject: Re: Tristes noticias--Albert Sicroff

Dear Tom.
Thank you so much for sending on the notice.  You are right.  Albert always lamented the fact that you were not closer.  He always said there was so much to talk about.

There is one thing in the notice that seems to be carried on in other notices when Albert is concerned.  Albert was not a student of Americo Castro.  They were colleagues at Princeton.  Americo Castro brought Albert to Princeton from Syracuse and Albert became a great defender of don Americo's ideas.  If this could be corrected in the note, I would really appreciate it.

Many thanks for everything.