Dear all,
I am so sorry I was not able to be there and thanks to Arne for these summaries and for all who made it happen.
I was supposed to be there and present on the Monday, but managed to find myself stuck in hospital in London instead :( I am fine and fully recovered, but very very sorry to miss you all who were there.
All the best,KateOn Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 3:14 PM, Becky Lentz, Dr. <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear Arne,
Sorry to have missed the Dublin meeting, but following from a distance has
been helpful. Thanks for your updates!
P.s. Let me bring to our media's attention a workshop that Marta Fuentes and
I helped to conceive related to advocacy. It would be great if those working
on community media policy (broadly conceived) anywhere in the world
submitted abstracts for consideration:
> From: Arne Hintz <[log in to unmask]>
> Reply-To: Arne Hintz <[log in to unmask]>
> Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 14:49:50 +0200
> To: Our Media <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: OURMedia conference, day 1, brief report
> Dear all,
> thank you for the positive and supportive feedback. This may be a good
> occasion to thank all those from the OURMedia network who helped
> organise this event but then couldn't come for different reasons --
> particularly Dorothy who was very involved with the planning at the
> beginning and arranged the first meeting with the Dublin-based groups
> back in December.
> There will be more news from the second day of the conference, I'm
> sure, and feedback on the overall event, but now many of us are very
> busy with the IAMCR conference that started this morning. The feedback
> from participants here is that the second day was as interesting and
> valuable as the first day, included great presentations and led to
> some new collaborations. There are always lots of things that could be
> done better and lots to learn for future events, of course, but that's
> for another time... maybe for the planning process towards the next
> event for which there are already a few ideas...
> Best,
> Arne
> Quoting Dorothy Kidd <[log in to unmask]>:
>> Dear Arne and everyone who produced this day:
>> Thanks for this report. Sorry I missed it. Sounds great and hope that we
>> are able to find out any relevant proposals and other discussion. hope the
>> second day goes as well.
>> best,
>> Dorothy Kidd.
>> On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 2:12 AM, <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> as the second day of our conference in Dublin is getting started, here is
>>> just a brief update on day 1. It was a successful day, according to all the
>>> participants that I talked with. There were consistently around 60
>>> participants throughout the day, with up to 100 at peak times. Participants
>>> included local Irish media activists but also many international guests who
>>> are here for the IAMCR conference. We've had several OURMedia 'veterans'
>>> like John Downing, Amparo Cadavid, Stefania Milan, Bob Hackett, and others,
>>> but also many new faces and many older and younger scholars for whom this
>>> has been the first OURMedia experience.
>>> Sessions ranged from discussions on the media situation in Ireland to
>>> interactive Skype debates on community media in Cyprus and in the Middle
>>> East, and addressed community radio as well as new social media. Our
>>> friends from Dublin Community Television did a tremendous job in organising
>>> the logistics and some parts of the programme, and the Irish community
>>> media network CRAOL generously supported the event.
>>> Day 1 took place at a nice venue in central Dublin. Day 2 is starting now
>>> at Dublin City University.
>>> Best,
>>> Arne
>> --
>> Dorothy Kidd
>> Professor, Department of Media Studies
>> Kalmanowitz Hall (K-Hall) 157
>> 2130 Fulton St.
>> University of San Francisco
>> San Francisco, CA
>> 94117-1080
>> 415-422-5061
>> [log in to unmask]
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