I just completed the AEJMC Conference survey that was sent out this morning and I want you encourage you to do likewise.  There is a question about suggestions for a workshop (preconference) and I think this provides us with an opportunity to have another Brown program or something related to diversity.  I have suggested diversity in the curriculum -- something that everyone seems to struggle with is how to infuse diversity throughout the curriculum.  I also included in my description inclusion in the classroom for students, faculty and administrators in jmc and in ACEJMC accredited programs.  I also suggested within this same realm--implicit bias training--that's (facilitate implicit bias training) something that I do and given some of the remarks and concerns that I have heard, it may be a great opportunity to explore this--certainly the timing is such that it may be useful.

Anyway, these are ideas.  You probably have your own--but just wanted to make sure that you had the opportunity to put your ideas forth in this survey.

With Kindness,
Anita Fleming-Rife

"Kindness is a language the mute can speak and the deaf can hear."

“Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.”   Malcolm X