Dear and querid@s de OURMedia,

I need to clarify one thing concerning the announcement I sent out yesterday.

If you buy the book "Social Movements and Their Technologies" by 31 January 2013, you will get a 20% discount (if you are based in North America) and 50% (if you are based in Europe, South and Central America, Africa, Asia, Australia... basically everyone else). You have to buy through (or your regional equivalent). You find the codes (to oder online) and the flyer (to order via email or post) on 

Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Best / Besos,


Da: Milan, Stefania
Inviato: giovedì 7 novembre 2013 14:12
A: [log in to unmask]
Oggetto: new book/nuevo libro "Social Movements and Their Technologies"

Dear friends, querid@s amig@s de OURMedia/NuestrosMedios

I am happy to announce the release of my book Social Movements and Their Technologies. Wiring Social Change (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013). 

This book might be of interest to those of you working on radical internet activism and/or community radio. It is based on a rather lengthy study of transactional media-activism (including Latin America and South-East Asia and a bit of Africa), and builds on an unprecedented body of qualitative data build over the years by interviewing community radio practitioners as well as radical techies and hacktivists typically very difficult to reach. 

Social Movements and Their Technologies. Wiring Social Change explores the interplay between social movements and their “liberated technologies”. It analyzes the rise of low-power radio stations and radical internet projects (“emancipatory communication practices”) as a political subject, focusing on the sociological and cultural processes at play. It provides an overview of the relationship between social movements and technology and investigates what is behind the communication infrastructure that made possible the main protest events of the past 15 years. In doing so, Stefania Milan illustrates how contemporary social movements organize in order to create autonomous alternatives to communication systems and networks and how they contribute to change the way people communicate in daily life, as well as try to change communication policy from the grassroots.

You can buy the book with a 50% discount when buying through, quoting code WSMATT2013a (discount valid for books bought by individuals by January 31, 2014). 

In the spirit of sharing, I will progressively make available online the proofs of my book, chapter by chapter. Stay tuned!

You can already read chapter 1 here.

You can find out more about the book here: 

Hope you are going to like it!


Stefania Milan, PhD
Data J Lab || Tilburg University, the Netherlands || ||
The Citizen Lab || Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto || ||
European University Institute || ||
Center for Media and Communication Studies, Central European University || ||
International Association for Media and Communication Research - International Council member and Co-Chair, Communication Policy Task Force || ||
mobile: [31] 62 7875 425 (NL) || [1] 647 - 973 - 6533 (CA) || [+39] 333 - 2309945 (I)


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