Hi all.
In 2009, under the previous provost, Temple created the Academic Center on Research in Diversity (ACCORD) as an autonomous, multidisciplinary, faculty-driven think tank and research center dedicated to the scholarly explorations of all aspects of diversity and its implications. With administrative and internal changes, we became somewhat inactive.  But we're back!  We co-sponsored a program with our Research office in November and we have another activity planned for next week.  I'm posting this because I'm hoping some of you on Facebook may consider joining the open FB group https://www.facebook.com/groups/TU.ACCORD/    or liking our "fan" page https://www.facebook.com/TU.ACCORD.  We share interesting research/articles.  Would be great to have your support!

"The world's troubles are your troubles and there's nothing wrong
with the world that better human beings cannot fix."
~John Sloan Dickey, 12th President of Dartmouth College~

Karen M. Turner, Associate Professor
Director, Broadcast Journalism sequence
Department of Journalism
School of Media and Communication
Temple University
2020 N. 13th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122
215.204.8386 (voicemail)/ 215.204.1974 (fax)