Dear OURMedia list members!

It's one more week until the deadline to submit abstracts to the 2014 conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) in Hyderabad, India. The conference will be held from 15-19 July 2014.

It would be great to see many of you at the conference. Traditionally, OURMedia has been closely connected with the IAMCR Community Communication Section. You can find the call for papers of the section here: But there are also many other relevant and interesting sections (see Please check the conference website for all relevant conference information:

The Community Communication Section and the UNESCO Chair for Community Media are also planning a pre-conference (13-15 July 2014) which will be practice-oriented and will bring together community/citizen/alternative media practitioners from India and beyond with international scholars and academics. We will circulate more information about this soon.
