Dear colleagues in and around OURMEDIA,,

We ask you to kindly re-post this information within your email lists and networks: the more the merrier!!!

Apologies for cross postings!

An online debate on how to generate income towards achieving financial sustainability of community and local radios will start on Monday next week (March 31, German time). Until April 10, participants will discuss and exchange very practically on income generation with participation as the special entry point. The group debates will be organized on LinkedIn. 

Moderator is community media expert Birgitte Jallov, supported by the CAMECO team. We will regularly provide summaries and share central issues amongst language groups. A short concept paper is attached and also available under

We would be happy if you would join the exchange and contribute to the debate. Please feel free to share the invitation with all persons and groups that might be interested in the issue. By the way: The group welcomes all kinds of English – most important is sharing!  

Registration to the 

English language group Sustainable Radio:

French language group Radio viable

Spanish language group Radio sostenible

Participants will be admitted to the list in the lead up to the discussion start Monday 31 March 2014, announced above.

The debate is a follow-up of CAMECO’s research on core issues of community participation in the operations of community and local radios, that was started with three online surveys on community participation (  

Looking forward to welcoming you in the LinkedIn groups Sustainable Radio, Radio Sostenible or Radio Viable, 

Best regards,


In partnership with CAMECO 

Birgitte Jallov

Gudhjemvej 62
DK3760 Gudhjem

Tel: +45 56498348
Cel: +45 61546761
Skype: birgittejallov