Dear Oklahoma Writing Project Teacher Consultants,
In honor of Martha Mills and Francis Dunham, the Oklahoma Writing Project has created the annual Martha and Francis Award.  This Award goes to an outstanding OWP teacher consultant who has contributed to the continual growth of our writing project.  Please consider nominating a fellow teacher consultant through the link below.  We hope to recognize this teacher consultant at the Stakeholders Meeting on July 10, 2014, so please nominate by July 6, 2014.  

Nominate by filling out the form using  link below.  You may need to copy and paste it into a browser window.
Past Honorees:
2010 Award Recipient: Terry Phelps
2011 Award Recipient: Vivian Nida
2012 Award Recipient: Janis Cramer
2013 Award Recipient: Freeda Richardson 


Audra and Priscilla

                             Teachers Teaching Teachers