Thank you very much Arne for this Report it's very valuable for all of us and resumes our pre conference. Hope we stand this as a tradition and start thinking in next year's IAMCR - Montreal. We shall start now. Count on us for that. Amparo Cadavid. Amparo -----Original Message----- From: [log in to unmask] Sender: "For communication among alternative media producers, academics, artists, and activists." <[log in to unmask]> Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 15:52:49 To: <[log in to unmask]> Reply-To: [log in to unmask] Subject: IAMCR ComCom Pre-Conference: Report Dear OURMedias! As Amparo and Dorothy have already mentioned, a further event in the spirit of OURMedia took place just before the Papua New Guinea conference: On 13/14 July, the IAMCR Community Communication section and the UNESCO Chair on Community Media organised a 2-day pre-conference to this year's IAMCR conference in Hyderabad, India. You can find a report of the event here: The pre-conference "Building Community - Shaping Change" brought together over 100 activists, advocates, and scholars, to discuss issues such as the sustainability and policy environment of community media, the representation and participation of marginalised groups, technological innovation, social movement communication, etc. International participants could learn about the many experiences of grassroots media practices and development communication in India and South Asia, while regional organisations used the event for developing new collaborations. With some help from the Community Communication section, and from organisations such as AMARC, CEMCA and Ideosync, the event was largely organised by the UNESCO Chair on Community Media, Prof. Vinod Pavarala, and his team of colleagues and students. They managed to put together two wonderful days and a memorable event. Thanks to everyone who participated, presented, discussed, attended, and especially to the local organisers! This conference followed a similar event last year in Dublin, and so it may be the second in an emerging series of OURMedia-style IAMCR-preconferences. Next year, IAMCR will be held in Montreal... Best, Arne