Don't forget to register!  

We still have space for you and your students.
Hope to see you there!

“Write To Win”
2014 Conference for Secondary 
Students and Teachers
Thursday, November 6, 2014
University Center Great Hall, Oklahoma City University 
The Oklahoma Writing Project invites you to attend the annual “Write To Win” Conference for Secondary Students and Teachers.  Each teacher may bring 5 students per adult, grades 6-12. Parents and student teachers are welcome, too. Register soon.  
Students will choose two workshops appropriate for their grade level. Workshops will provide pre-writing and drafting activities for various genres--poetry, essays, personal narratives, descriptions, flash fiction, short stories, and interviews.  Oklahoma Writing Project Teacher Consultants will present all workshops. After lunch, a general session will offer students the chance to write and share with their teachers. All students will leave the conference with a rough draft of a piece they may enter in the 2015 OWP Writing Contest.
Lunch is available at various places on campus, or students may bring a sack lunch. Teachers may also take students out for lunch.
Registration Deadline October 24, 2014
            Teachers, $15
            Students/Parents, $10

8:30  Registration/Refreshments
9:00-9:20  Orientation/Quickwrite
9:30-10:30  Session One
10:40-11:40 Session Two
11:40-12:45  Lunch
(Students may eat on campus, bring sack lunch, or go out to lunch with teacher.)
12:45-1:30  Joint Session
Let me know if you have questions,

Audra Plummer  M. Ed.
National Board Certified Teacher
Co-Director of Inservice
Oklahoma Writing Project
University of Oklahoma
Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education
338 Cate Center Drive, Room 190
Norman, Oklahoma 73019
Phone: 405-401-1348
FAX: 405-325-7841
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