Hi folks,
For those of you considering going to Montreal this July to attend IAMCR, I am putting out feelers among the Our Media Nuestros Medios group for the conformation of a possible panel that directly relates to the question of media power. As this is a broad concept, I am thinking to narrow the focus of the panel by seeking other presentations that focus on mediated relations between social movements and the state (see my shortened abstract below) if possible - though I am open to other ideas. Nick Couldry has agreed to be a respondent  (via Skype) to our papers/presentations (a great idea that Clemencia Rodriguez put forward).
I am attaching the IAMCR Community Communication Call for Papers.  I realize this is coming in late, but let me know if anyone out there is interested, or feel free to forward this to individuals who might be interested.
 Here is an abbreviated abstract of my paper.

Extractive politics, media power, and new waves of resistance against oil drilling in the Ecuadorean Amazon: The case of Yasunidos
This paper discusses a highly mediated conflict between the Ecuadorean government and a newly-emerged social movement called Yasunidos. The dispute is focused on the government’s proposal to drill for oil in the Yasuni, one of the most bio-diverse regions of the planet, located in the Ecuadorean Amazon. The study is situated within a context of the government’s expanded “media power” (Couldry 2003), particularly its use of President Correa’s three-hour weekly television program. Despite the government’s multi-million dollar communications campaign designed to convince the public of the necessity to drill for oil in the Yasuni, and to discredit, even criminalize, those who oppose its plans, Yasunidos has been able to interrupt such discourses. The mediated battle between the Correa government and Yasunidos provides a window onto how media power is being reconfigured in Ecuador, the strategies that movements use to respond to such power, and what this landscape implies for processes of democratization.  

Comunicadora Social
Doctorando, Univ. Massachusetts Amherst
Coordinadora de Investigación, 
 Facultad de Comunicación
Universidad de las Americas (UDLA)
Sede Granados
Quito, Ecuador

Cel: 0998-746-800 / Fijo: 223-1457

From: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 10:56 AM
Subject: IAMCR ComCom CfP - 2 weeks until submission deadline!

Dear OURMedias!

Just 2 weeks to go until the abstract submission deadline for the 
IAMCR conference this year in Montreal! It would be great to see many 
of you at the conference, and at the Community Communication Section 
particularly. The ComCom section has always had close relations with 
the OURMedia network and has been OURMedia's link into IAMCR.

You'll find the ComCom Call for Papers attached and here: 
http://iamcr.org/s-wg/cfp-coc-2015. Please circulate the call in your 
networks and submit an abstract yourselves!
