The ESA 2015 submission deadline has by the local and central organising committees been extended to February 15 - so submissions for the RN18 panel "Critical Media Sociology Today" are further open until then. On 26/01/2015 12:52, Christian Fuchs wrote: > Call: RN18 Panel “Critical Media Sociology Today” > 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association > August 25-28, 2015. Prague > > Abstract Submission Deadline: Feb 1 > Submission: > > Call text: > > Critical Media Sociology Today > > We live in times of ongoing crisis, the extension and intensification of > inequalities concerning class, gender, and race, a return of the > importance of the economy and political economy, a lack of imaginations > of alternatives to neo-liberalism and capitalism, an intensification of > right-wing extremism and fascism all over Europe, a lack of visions and > power of the political Left, an intensification and extension of > extremely repressive forms of state power such as communications > surveillance conducted by secret services, ideological scapegoating > conducted by conservative and far-right parties, and law and > order-politics. Left-wing movements and parties have in some countries > emerged or been strengthened, but the crisis has overall brought a > further political shift towards the right and an intensification of > capitalism and inequality. > > We today require politically a renewal of the Left. For critical media > sociology this means that it needs to ask questions, theorise, and > conduct critical analysis of media and communications in the context of > capitalism, class, ideologies, racism, fascism, right-wing extremism, > gender, state power, activism and social movements, challenges for > public service, media reforms, crisis, globalisation, the rise of China, > digitalisation, consumer and advertising culture, > information/cultural/media work, digital labour, the new international > division of cultural and digital labour, warfare and military conflicts, > the new imperialism, financialisation, etc. > > ESA RN 18 calls for contributions that shed new light on questions that > Critical Media Sociology needs to ask today and on theoretical and > analytical insights that help to shape Critical Media Sociology in the > 21st Century. > > RN18’s panel at the ESA 2014 Prague Conference “Differences, > Inequalities Sociological Imagination” and its contributions are > organised in the form of specific session topics. > > ESA RN18 calls for contributions to the following sessions: > > RN18_1: Critical Media Sociology and Karl Marx Today: > What is the role and legacy of Karl Marx’s works and Marxist theory for > critical media sociology today? > > RN18_2: Critical Media Sociology and Capitalism Today: > How does capitalism shape media and communications today? > > RN18_3: Critical Media Sociology and Critical Theory Today: > What is a critical theory of 21st century society? What role do > communication, media and culture play in such a theory? > > RN18_4: Critical Media Sociology and Stuart Hall Today: > How do Stuart Hall’s works, projects, and collaborations matter for > critical media sociology today? > > RN18_5: Critical Media Sociology and Cultural Materialism Today: > How does Raymond Williams’ approach of cultural materialism matter today > for understanding the sociology of media and communications? > > RN18_6: Critical Media Sociology, Patriarchy and Gender Today: > What is the role of and relationship of identity politics and > anti-capitalism for feminist media sociology today? > > RN18_7: Critical Media Sociology and the Critique of the Political > Economy of the Internet and Social Media: > How does capitalism shape the Internet and social media? > > RN18_8: Critical Media Sociology and Ideology Critique Today: > What are the main forms of ideology today and how do they operate in the > media? Which forms and approaches of ideology critique do we need to > understand them? > > RN18_9: Critical Media Sociology, Right-Wing Extremism and Fascism Today: > What is the relationship of far-right movements and parties, the media > and communication? > > RN18_10: Critical Media Sociology and Digital Labour Today: > What forms of digital labour and digital class struggles are there and > how can they best be theorised, analysed, and understood? > > RN18_11: Critical Media Sociology and the Left: > How could a 21st century Left best look like and what is the role of > media and communications for such a Left? What is the historical, > contemporary, and possible future relationship of critical media > sociology to the Left? What is the role of media, communications, the > Internet, and social media in left-wing movements? What problems do such > movements face in relation to the media, communications, the Internet, > and social media? > > RN18_12: Critical Media Sociology and China: > How can critical media sociology understand the media in China and the > role of China and Chinese media in global capitalism? What are > differences and commonalities between European and Chinese media > understood with the help of critical media sociology? > > RN18_13: Critical Media Sociology, Democracy and the Public Sphere Today: > How can we best theorise and understand potentials and limits for the > mediated public sphere in the 21st century? > > RN18_14: Critical Media Sociology, the Commons, and the Alternatives Today: > What are the problems and post-capitalist potentials of alternative > projects such as cultural and media co-operatives, left-wing and radical > media projects, alternative social media, alternative online platforms, > alternative media, community media projects, commons-based media, peer > production projects, etc.? > > RN18_15: Critical Media Sociology and State Power Today: > How does the relationship of media, communication and state power’s > various forms of regulation, control, repression, violence and > surveillance look like? > > RN18_16: Critical Media Sociology, the University and Academia Today: > What are the challenges and problems for teaching and conducting > research about the media and communication from a critical perspective? > What can be done to overcome existing limits and problems? > > RN18_17: Critical Media Sociology and Cultural and Communication Labour: > What are characteristics of cultural and communication labour in > capitalism today? Are there potentials that they can transcend > precarity? What is the role of alternative economic models such as > co-operatives (self-managed companies) in this respect? > > RN18_18: Critical Media Sociology and Political Communication: > What is the role of political communication for a critical sociology of > the media? > > Notes > Please submit only to one session. Abstracts should not exceed 250 > words. Each paper session will have the duration of 1.5 hours. Normally > sessions will include 4 papers. Abstracts must be submitted online to > the submission platform, see below. Abstracts sent by email cannot be > accepted. Abstracts will be peer-reviewed and selected for presentation > by the Research Network; the letter of notification will be sent by the > conference software system in early April 2015. > > > Conference fee: > > ESA/RN18 membership: > Paying members of ESA and RN18 have strongly reduced conference fees: > > > Mailing list, Facebook: > You can join RN18′s media sociology mailing list > and follow > RN18 on Facebook: > >