The Secondary (grades 6-12) Spring Celebration of Writing for Students and Teachers will be held on March 26, 2015 on the Oklahoma City University Campus.  Sessions at this conference focus on ways to improve writing and motivate great writers to try something new.  

If you would like to present to teachers or students, please go to link below and fill out the survey questions.    You may need to cut and paste this link into a new browser window.

Proposal Deadline February 27.
Sessions at this conference are 60 minutes.   
TC's who present are paid $150.  
Attached are is more information about this conference.   

Let me know if you have any questions.

Audra Plummer  M. Ed.
Co-Director of Inservice
Oklahoma Writing Project
University of Oklahoma
Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education
338 Cate Center Drive, Room 190
Norman, Oklahoma 73019
Phone: 405-401-1348
OWP Office Phone: 405-325-6275
FAX: 405-325-7841
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