McNair Scholars Program
University of Oklahoma
Invitation to Apply

Do you want to earn a Ph.D.?  We're here to help!
Applications for the OU McNair Scholars Program are available here<>.

The McNair program provides encouragement, guidance, and mentorship to underrepresented* students in preparation for graduate school.  Applicants must be U.S. citizens/permanent residents, have 60 undergraduate credit hours by the end of the spring semester, and a GPA of 3.00 or higher.

Scholars receive a $2800 stipend for program participation, which includes conducting an undergraduate research project, applying to graduate programs, and other scholarly activities.

Additional benefits include:

  *   Participation in academic conferences
  *   Graduate application workshops, support, and incentives
  *   A network of like-minded scholars
Have questions?  Please let us know at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.

*Students currently underrepresented in higher education are those who are first generation AND receive the maximum Pell grant OR students from African American/Black, American Indian/Native American, Latino(a), Native Hawaiian, or Native American Pacific Islander backgrounds.  First generation students are those whose parents have not earned a bachelor's degree (an associates or some college is fine).


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