Dear PDQNet Core Research Team members,

Item 1
Following up on our last meeting’s discussion about the organizational scan, we need to decide on data items, get input from our PBRN and community members, and quickly finalize what will be collected in the first phase.  During our last meeting, we discussed a list of items that could be collected from our organizational partners as a kind of inventory (Zsolt’s draft edited during our call by Vanessa).  This phase of data collection will be followed up by more in-depth data collection via individual or small group interviews.

I’ve done a few iterations of this “What to collect…’ document, with great input from Zsolt, and I’m attaching it for you in this email.  It organizes data items by what I came up with as domains, and it goes beyond the Phase 1 inventory to outline steps for site-level key informant interviews and for a lit review.

PLEASE look this over before Thursday’s meeting and see how it meshes with the follow-up thinking (I know!) you each have done.  Consider it a starting point to discussion, but at the same time realize that this is something we need to move on fairly quickly as we are already a bit behind schedule. This first phase needs to be simple and straight-forward so we shouldn’t over-think it, a tendency I have to fight!

The second phase involves a lit review and site-level key informant interviews – occurring almost simultaneously, and we will need to get started before you know it.

Use a critical eye when reviewing the document titled, “What to collect….”  Are we missing anything important?  Are we asking about unimportant items?  Are the items phrased in a clear way, such that folks could provide the information we are looking for on a written survey (if anyone chose to do it that way)?

Item 2
The second attachment is a proposal for an updated organizational schematic for the project.  It uses new terminology that we hope will resonate with all.  Zsolt and I hammered this out based on the variety of input we have received.  See what you think.  This needs to be a consensus document so we need your critiques and we need feedback from the folks we are now calling our Community Leadership Team members.  Our milestones indicate that we needed to have already defined the purpose, membership, etc. of the Core Research Team and National Advisory Committee, and this document would essentially serve that purpose.  Btw, we assume that we will need to run any change in organizational structure by our PCORI P.O., and we’d like to do that before our next scheduled call with them.

Item 3
This item is simply a ppt version of the proposed organizational image for the PDQNet Project is two versions – one more detailed than the other.

Item 4
The final enclosure is an interesting article, just released from McGill scholars in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health about the qualities that appear to make D&I community-research partnerships work well.  I found this really helpful as I was developing questions for the site-level key informant interviews.

Cheers, and I look forward to visiting via WebEx Meeting this Thursday (12:30 pm Buffalo time, 11:30 am OK time, and 9:30 am LA time).
Talk to you then!


Barbara L. Norton, DrPH
Assistant Professor of Research // Research Division
Department of Family and Preventive Medicine // University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
900 NE 10th St  Room 2209 // Oklahoma City OK 73104
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