
On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 6:06 PM, Norton, Barbara L. (HSC) <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Dear CRT Members,


Lit Review

We wanted you to know that we have launched the literature review process for the PDQNet Project with the kind help of an extraordinarily skilled medical librarian and expert in systematic reviews, Laine McCarthy.  The plan for conducting the lit. review in enclosed (also posted on SS).  Take a look, and know that we’d be happy if any of you have other suggestions of review articles or sources of valuable grey literature that may help guide us.


Project Schedule

Some have asked where we stand on the project schedule, something you can see if you open SmartSheet, but to make it easy I took at screenshot of today’s SS and enclosed it below.  We are relatively on track but need to move quickly to develop the interview guides for our local and also for our national interviews, also to develop a list of national key informants to be interviewed.


Inventory Return

As for the inventory survey returns, we are awaiting one from each site’s community partner and also one from UNYNet.  Please stay on top of these and thank-you!






Barbara L. Norton, DrPH
Assistant Professor of Research
// Research Division
Department of Family and Preventive Medicine 
// University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

900 NE 10th St  Room 2209 // Oklahoma City OK 73104
p  405.271.3733  
|  c  405.308.0801  |  f  405.271.2784  |  e  [log in to unmask]


Lyndee Knox
LA Net - A Community Health Resource Network and
Phone: 562-434-2000