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From: "Damron, Rebecca" <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Date: August 13, 2015 at 10:45:22 AM CDT
To: <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Subject: [OSUWRPRO-L] New OSU WP Site Director!!
Reply-To: Teachers in the OSU Writing Project Communications <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>

Dear All,
As of today, am stepping out of my role as director of the OSU Writing Project.  Because of my obligations here at the university, including my appointment as Director of the OSU Writing Center, my leadership for the OSU Writing Project was destined from the beginning to be short-term. Indeed, the OSU Writing Center has experienced several expansions in the last couple of years, and the reach and scope of the work I have been doing with the Writing Center has grown. I have felt that we needed to find someone who could give the OSU Writing Project the attention and focus that I am unable to give to it because of the time and energy I must devote to my teaching, scholarship and Writing Center administration.

We have, through dialogue and help from many site and university folk, come to an EXCITING and dynamic time in our site. At the same time that we are welcoming a new director, we are moving colleges! The OSU Writing Project, over the course of the next few months will be shifting its primary home to the College of Education and the School of Teaching and Curriculum Leadership!

In addition, I am THRILLED to introduce our new site director, Dr. Shelbie Witte, who has come to us from Florida to be Associate Professor of Literacy and Chuck and Kim Watson Endowed Chair in Education in the College of Education, School of Teaching Leadership.

Shelbie’s Writing Project experience is long and deep. In fact, some of you may have already met or interacted with her. Shelbie is a native of Oklahoma and became a TC with the OU Writing Project. Since then, Shelbie has been active at several Writing Project Sites, and has participated in initiatives with National Writing Project such as acting as co-coordinator of the E-Anthology Eteam. (There is much, much more that you will need to ask her about!)

This is a bittersweet decision for me: I have learned so much from working for the site and have a deep love and appreciation for the work and the people—you! I will stay on to finish out the final year of the CRWP grant. And, further on, to represent the College of Arts and Sciences for the site. We do not want to lose the unique collaboration that this site has in spanning two colleges.

I want to thank all of you and extend my regrets that I was not able to meet each one of you in person.

Most importantly, please welcome Shelbie! I am confident that you will instantly love her as I did when I met her for the first time this summer.

With gratitude,

Rebecca L. Damron, Ph.D
Associate Professor of English
Director, OSU Writing Center
Student Union, 440A
President, South Central Writing Center Association
Mailing Address:
205 Morrill Hall
Stilllwater, Oklahoma 74078
Phone: (405) 744-9365