Dr Beasley, AA5UQ, semi-retired from SoM, has what may literally be a
ton of old electronic parts and components, some of which may even
qualify as antiques.  He needs to clear this out so his daughter can
store her stuff in his garage while she goes off to Bolivia.  I need
Bolivia for DXCC but, sadly, she doesn't have her license.
Nonetheless, he has a lot of stuff he needs to get rid of very soon.

He is going to send me a list, hopefully today, of the highlights of
what's there. I'll post it as soon as I get it.

There is surely value in this stuff either for people who like to
build electronics projects or for someone who wants to sell it all on
eBay (to other people who like to build electronic projects).

As soon as I know more, I'll post.


Peter Laws / N5UWY
National Weather Center / Network Operations Center
University of Oklahoma Information Technology
[log in to unmask]
College of Architecture, Regional and City Planning, MRCP '16
Feedback? Contact my director, Ken Kurz, [log in to unmask]  Thank you!