TONIGHT! Can I assume we'll commandeer some chairs and a table in the atrium? -- Peter Laws / N5UWY National Weather Center / Network Operations Center University of Oklahoma Information Technology [log in to unmask] College of Architecture, Regional and City Planning, MRCP '16 ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Carey McCachern <[log in to unmask]> Date: Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 8:58 PM Subject: OU Amateur Radio Club February Meeting To: [log in to unmask] OU Amateur Radio Club February Meeting When: Thursday, February 25th at 6:30 PM Where: National Weather Center (120 David L Boren Blvd) Our February meeting is next Thursday. We will have free pizza! I hope to see you there! If you can't attend the meeting, but still want more information about the club, send me an email at [log in to unmask]