Dear friends and colleagues:

The executive committee of the 16th- and 17th-Century Spanish and Iberian Drama MLA forum respectully and enthusiastically submits the following two CFP's for your consideration.

Please share this information with other colleagues in the field.

As usual, we hope to receive a slew of great abstracts that will yield two stupendous sessions.

All the best,

Harry Vélez Quiñones

Distinguished Professor of Hispanic Studies
Department of Hispanic Studies, Chair
Gender and Queer Studies Program, Associate Director
Madrid Summers, Director
University of Puget Sound
1500 N. Warner CMB 1073
Tacoma, WA 98416-1073

email: [log in to unmask]
Alternate email: [log in to unmask]

Office: (253) 879-3269
Cell: (206) 200-5285

The State of the Comedia

Forum: LLC 16th- and 17th-Century Spanish and Iberian Drama
What ought to be Comedia studies today? What newer critical trends are changing the field? Can we repurpose more established approaches? 300-word abstracts by 15 March 2016; Harry Vélez-Quiñones ([log in to unmask]).

Context: A roundtable in which scholars with various perspectives and at various stages of their careers present experiences in their scholarship/teaching.  Given the general state of dismemberment and scattering of Comedia scholarship, teaching, and the separate versions of brethren (MLA/AHCT/AITENSO/AISO, et al) this session could be a very exciting conversation.

Science and the Comedia

Forum: LLC 16th- and 17th-Century Spanish and Iberian Drama
How do scientific discourses play in the Comedia? What are their intersections with other prevalent and/or marginalized forms of knowledge? 300-word abstracts by 15 March 2016; Harry Vélez-Quiñones ([log in to unmask]).

Context: Theatrical representations of mathematics, natural philosophy, botany, anatomy and the body, sexualities and science, medicine, pharmacy, alchemy, and other scientific theories, discourses, and practices.