I sent the link to all my students with the promise of extra credit and the deadline. Would the researchers comment on the comparative benefits of using qualitrics, vs. survey monkey, vs. survey gizmo?  Our university doesn't provide any such support so I'll have to pay out of pocket and want to use my money wisely.  If folks other than these researchers could give me their recommendation, I'd appreciate it.

On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 1:51 PM, Masudul Biswas <[log in to unmask]> wrote:


From: LaPoe, Victoria
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2016 12:22 PM
To: Staff-All; Faculty-All
Subject: Media Credibility Survey - please take and/or distribute to students, if you don't mind


Ben LaPoe and I are conducting a media credibility survey.

We’d appreciate if you’d take the survey. If you teach and would offer it as extra credit, we’d also be very  appreciative. The survey takes just a few minutes to complete.

For extra credit:

Please copy, paste and share the survey link below with your students.


We have created a jump in the survey that is separate from the data where students can enter their name as well as their professor’s name, if for extra credit. We will share all the extra credit names with professors once the deadline date closes.  The deadline is March 21.

We received IRB approval for the survey. The IRB approval is scanned and included at the top of the survey, above the consent agreement.  

We are happy to share findings with you (feel free to contact me), if interested.


Thanks for your consideration!



Dr. Victoria LaPoe

Sequence Coordinator and Assistant Professor, Broadcast and Film, WKU
Editor, American Indian Studies, Media Diversity Forum
Co-Author: Oil & Water Media Lessons from Hurricane Katrina and Deepwater Horizon


Know Justice; Know Peace,
Rev. Dr. E-K. Daufin
Professor of Communications
Alabama State University
National Media Size Equity Expert
Winner -- 2000 MaryAnn Yodelis-Smith
  Research Award AEJMC CSW
AEJMC MAC Membership Chair
915 S. Jackson St., MTG, AL 36101-0271
Follow me to my home country where the definitions are daufinations at:
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Your research and creative activity referrals are welcomed.
With all my heat & heart I want to work with and for kind, competent, strong people who love and help me and I they.  Ashe!