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Tricks of the Trade Literacy Collaboration Conference This conference will be a round table discussion format allowing participants and...
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Literacy Conference
Tricks of the Trade Literacy Collaboration ConferenceThis conference will be a round table...
Tricks of the Trade Literacy Collaboration ConferenceWhenWednesday, Jan. 25th 2017 at...
Tricks of the Trade Literacy Collaboration ConferenceWhenWednesday, Jan. 25th 2017 at...
Tentative Agenda8:30 Registration9:00 Opening Session9:30-10:30 Session 110:30-10:45 Break...
Register online below:or at this link:https://goo.gl/forms/4LN6PIimaWpC1nyr1Last Day to Register-...

Audra Plummer  M. Ed.
Co-Director of Inservice
Oklahoma Writing Project
University of Oklahoma
Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education
338 Cate Center Drive, Room 190
Norman, Oklahoma 73019
Phone: 405-401-1348

OWP Office Phone: 405-325-6275
FAX: 405-325-7841

Teachers Teaching Teachers

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