Dear Colleagues:

This is an easy armchair action you and your students may be interested in
regarding asking broadcast journalists to stop broadcasting "Fake News,"
specifically the factually inaccurate executive branch sourced information,
in addition to the unethical intimidation of the White House Press Corps
regarding fact checking and challenging "Fake News." (oxymoron I think

I just signed a petition urging TV networks to stop broadcasting the Trump
administration's lies. I think you should too: 

Know Justice; Know Peace,
Rev. Dr. E-K. Daufin
Professor of Communications
Alabama State University
National Media Size Equity Expert
Winner -- 2000 MaryAnn Yodelis-Smith
  Research Award AEJMC CSW
AEJMC MAC Membership Chair
915 S. Jackson St., MTG, AL 36101-0271
*Follow me to my home country where the definitions are daufinations at:* 
*Your research and creative activity referrals are welcomed.*
*With all my heat & heart I want to work with and for kind, competent,
strong people who love and help me and I they.  Ashe!*