UW-Madison's Department of Life Sciences Communication (LSC), located in the College of Agricultural & Life Sciences (CALS), seeks applications for a tenure track assistant professor in strategic communication in the life sciences.

The successful candidate will conduct research in strategic and/or marketing communication, ideally using as contexts of inquiry one or more of CALS key strategic areas (health, food, bioenergy, climate change, community development, ecosystems; for more information see http://www.cals.wisc.edu/departments/office-of-dean-and-director-2/cals-strategic-planning/basic-sciences/). The candidate will teach LSC undergraduate courses in the area of marketing communication in the life sciences and in the fast-expanding CALS Certificate in Business Management for Agricultural & Life Sciences. The candidate will also advise Masters and Ph.D. students and teach graduate level courses in their area of expertise in LSC's M.S. programs and in our Ph.D. program (jointly administered with UW's School of Journalism and Mass Communication), one of the most highly-ranked graduate programs in communication internationally. Ability to work in interdisciplinary settings and willingness to work with units across CALS will make this new colleague a perfect addition to CALS faculty.

The position carries a commitment to the three functions of resident instruction, research, and outreach/service, as well as professional and university service as appropriate to the position and rank.

For more details and to apply, visit http://jobs.hr.wisc.edu/cw/en-us/job/495521/assistant-professor-science-communication