I am sending this email out on the "Design Learning" listserv, on behalf of a K-12 teacher in Colombia who is interested in using the ideas in my book on "Creating Significant Learning Experiences" in her own teaching.
Her name is Maria Trujillo.
I said I would ask everyone who has signed up on this listserv, to see if anyone is teaching at that level.
If you are, please let her know what you are doing by posting a response to this Listserv.
The way to do that is to "Reply to all", and then type out your message. If you want to dialogue directly with Maria, ask her to send you her email address.
Thanks, on behalf of Maria!
My Best, Dee Fink
L. Dee Fink
234 Foreman Ave.
Norman, OK 73069
Phone/FAX: 405-364-6464
[log in to unmask]Websites:
www.designlearning.org [multiple resources on course design]
www.deefinkandassociates.com [offer workshops & online courses]
www.finkconsulting.info [Fink's consulting activities & publications]
**Former President of the POD Network in Higher Education (2004-2005)
**Author of:
Creating Significant Learning Experiences (2013, Updated Ed.,
Jossey-Bass)**Senior Associate, Dee Fink & Associates Consulting Services