MAC Members,

Here's another e-mail related to our plans for the upcoming Annual
Conference in Washington, DC.

We have put in place plans for a *Lionel Barrow Minority Doctoral
Scholarship Soiree*, which will take place on *Wednesday evening, August 8*
at City Tap House DC, which located a few steps from our Conference Hotel,
The Renaissance.

Proceeds from the soiree will benefit the Barrow Minority Doctoral
Scholarship, which MAC supports in conjunction with the Communication,
Theory & Methodology Division.

Since MAC is the lead sponsor for this fundraiser, we need one or two of
our MAC members to coordinate this event.   As vice head/program chair,
I've focused on the logistics (reviewing bids, blocking programming time)
and finances.      But, I'm NOT GOOD at planning a party (smile).

That's where help is needed.   I need one or two volunteers who will work
directly with the restaurant to select menu options, develop a promotional
strategy to encourage AEJMC members to buy the *$50 tickets* for the soiree
 (which will be included in the general conference registration form) and
develop a nice 15-min. program that we'll put on during the event in our
private room space at the restaurant that evening.   The event is blocked
in the AEJMC schedule to run from 8:45 p.m. to 10 p.m. that evening.

It will follow the CT&M Members' Meeting.

Please e-mail me directly if you would be willing to help oversee the
planning for this event during our conference.

George L. Daniels, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Journalism and Creative Media
The University of Alabama
Box 870172
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0172