For those of you wishing to work the station this Saturday the 28th in support of the CFP event, please share what time(s) you would like to support the event and contribute. Stations are operating from 15:00 to 21:00 UTC, which is 9AM to 3PM CST.
I just read up on club call sign use (good reason to check my understanding of those rules), and it seems if we are authorized by the club call sign trustee, many of us could simultaneously use the call on many bands, at times of our choosing through the day.
(who is the W5TC trustee?)
I (KI5AIF) would prefer to operate from 11AM until about 3PM from my home station, probably using my magloop on 20m and 40m. I don't suppose FT8 would work so well for this event's exchange....so probably mostly SSB for me.
Dr. Thomas Hays
Assistant Professor
University of Oklahoma
Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering