Oklahoma Writing Project has developed engaging and hands-on literacy summer camps to assist schools in helping students continue learning through the summer days. Summer Camps will be taught by Oklahoma Certified teachers who are also Oklahoma Writing Project Teacher Consultants. These Teacher Consultants have been in Oklahoma classrooms with their own students during this pandemic and created session/activities to meet the literacy needs of students.
These camps can be designed specifically for your student and school needs. We will come to your buildings or conduct virtua;--whichever meets the needs of your students. Literacy skills are aligned with Oklahoma Academic Standards.
See information below and attached.
OWP can also work with your teachers to create a hands on literacy camp. We can help you create a school literacy camp for any grade level. If you would like more information about these opportunities--please simply reply to this email. We can discuss fees and services Oklahoma Writing Project will provide.
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Looking forward working with your schools,