I always assume that all the cool kids are on OUARC-L ... but that's really never been true ... so this message has been bcc'd to a few extra folks. -- Peter Laws, BS, MRCP / N5UWY National Weather Center / Network Operations Center University of Oklahoma Information Technology [log in to unmask] / he, him, his https://www.ou.edu/ouit/cybersecurity/policies/all-users ________________________________ From: Laws, Peter C. <[log in to unmask]> Sent: Friday, August 20, 2021 14:22 To: OU ARC <[log in to unmask]> Cc: Faulkner, Aiden Q. <[log in to unmask]> Subject: We got the grant!! (Fw: Walk-In COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics: Norman Campus BIG shout-out to KI5FHT and N5OP for pushing the grant proposal through. How the hard/fun part starts. Well, or it will once the award actually gets here. In other news, join us at 1600 CDT today ... https://oklahoma.zoom.us/j/97079324739?pwd=Y2hacGRVcGtmUGsycnRBRldKbjdxUT09 Meeting ID: 970 7932 4739 Passcode: hamradio And get jabbed it you haven't! I got both jabs back in March and I've only grown one extra arm! -- Peter Laws, BS, MRCP / N5UWY National Weather Center / Network Operations Center University of Oklahoma Information Technology [log in to unmask] / he, him, his https://www.ou.edu/ouit/cybersecurity/policies/all-users ________________________________ From: DoNotReply <[log in to unmask]> Sent: Friday, August 20, 2021 14:01 Subject: Walk-In COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics: Norman Campus [https://mcusercontent.com/85886de6977337957bf10b968/images/20c75ef7-3edf-48c5-819e-2363e28cc20e.png] Walk-In COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics: Norman Campus [https://mcusercontent.com/85886de6977337957bf10b968/images/110ee004-785a-898d-a228-54427e08bc44.png]Getting vaccinated is the most effective way to help stop the COVID-19 pandemic. The university strongly encourages the entire OU community to get vaccinated. OU Health Services at Goddard Health Center is hosting a free walk-in COVID-19 vaccine clinic during the first week of classes, and vaccines will continue to be offered at Goddard throughout the year. First Week of Classes - Mobile RV Vaccine Clinic: In partnership with the Cleveland County Health Department * Monday, August 23 – Friday, August 27 * Monday and Tuesday, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.: Walker-Adams Mall * Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.: South Oval * Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) vaccines will be available. Goddard Health Center: * Vaccinations at Goddard Health Center will be ongoing throughout the year. * Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) vaccines will be available. * More information is available here<https://www.ou.edu/healthservices/COVID-19/COVID-Vaccines>. About the Vaccine Clinics: Who is eligible? * All OU students faculty, staff, and their dependents * International and non-resident students, faculty, and staff who have permanent out-of-state or international addresses * All vaccine recipients must be age 12 or older (Pfizer). The Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines will be available for individuals age 18 and older. Is there a cost? No. There is no cost to receive a vaccine and no co-payment is required. Are appointments necessary? No, these are walk-in clinics. If I’ve received my first dose of a two-dose vaccine outside of OU, can I receive my second dose at the OU clinics? Yes, as long as it has been the appropriate interval for each vaccine (21 days for Pfizer, 28 days for Moderna), you may receive your second dose of that vaccine at the OU clinics. Be sure to bring your COVID-19 vaccination record card with you. If I get my first dose of Pfizer or Moderna at the OU clinics, will I need to get dose 2 through OU, or can I get it elsewhere? While we encourage you to get your second dose through OU Health Services, you can make an appointment elsewhere, as long as it is for the same kind of vaccine. Getting your second dose is very important because it gives you the most protection from the virus, including variants. Booster Doses: The FDA has approved a third dose of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for moderately to severely immunocompromised individuals<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.cdc.gov_vaccines_covid-2D19_clinical-2Dconsiderations_immunocompromised-2Dpatients.html&d=DwMFaQ&c=qKdtBuuu6dQK9MsRUVJ2DPXW6oayO8fu4TfEHS8sGNk&r=t_70uHVWZNtnyW1PctIqSw&m=nOdhO7k5SQscJmjHn9t0QIlm9AmC8h-YS-zF7tz7Vu4&s=Zv9Uq6ehrXE6P9ZqGT9JiqAUEUSXW6gV4Br-l03fypg&e=>. At this time, there is no recommendation for an additional Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) dose. OU Health Services at Goddard Health Center is now taking walk-ins and/or appointments<https://www.ou.edu/healthservices/appointments> for individuals who meet the guidelines to receive a third dose. Booster doses will also be available for eligible individuals at the Mobile RV Vaccine Clinic. The third dose is to be given at least 28 days after the second dose, and it should be the same brand previously received. Information on booster doses for future eligible populations is forthcoming. [OU Vaccinates Graphic]#OUVaccinates Student Appreciation and Incentive Program OU wants to thank students who are already vaccinated, and incentivize students who are still unvaccinated, by offering a range of scholarships and OU Athletics season tickets. For details and to participate, visit ou.edu/together/vaccine<https://www.ou.edu/together/vaccine>. Getting Ready for Your Vaccine: * Bring a photo ID. Your photo ID, such as your driver’s license or university ID, is used to ensure the dose is being administered to the same person who is in the registration system. Photo IDs from another state or country will be accepted. * Bring your health insurance card, if you have one. Please note there is no cost to receive the vaccine, and insurance is not required. * If you are receiving your second dose of a two-dose vaccine, or if you are receiving a booster dose, bring your COVID-19 vaccination record card. * Wear a face mask. Because the clinics are considered a patient setting, masking is required in the OU vaccine clinics. Masks will be provided, or you may bring your own. Why Get Vaccinated? COVID-19 Vaccines Are: * Safe. Millions of people in the United States have received COVID-19 vaccines under the most intense safety monitoring in U.S. history<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.cdc.gov_coronavirus_2019-2Dncov_vaccines_safety.html&d=DwMFaQ&c=qKdtBuuu6dQK9MsRUVJ2DPXW6oayO8fu4TfEHS8sGNk&r=t_70uHVWZNtnyW1PctIqSw&m=nOdhO7k5SQscJmjHn9t0QIlm9AmC8h-YS-zF7tz7Vu4&s=jMSiso0rqQ6TsJtnhaGbvhr9uuvVa-BDUEpmwR0G0Pg&e=>, and over 4 billion doses have been given worldwide. * Effective. COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective at preventing COVID-19<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.cdc.gov_coronavirus_2019-2Dncov_vaccines_effectiveness.html&d=DwMFaQ&c=qKdtBuuu6dQK9MsRUVJ2DPXW6oayO8fu4TfEHS8sGNk&r=t_70uHVWZNtnyW1PctIqSw&m=nOdhO7k5SQscJmjHn9t0QIlm9AmC8h-YS-zF7tz7Vu4&s=RATfqI0UjtFtdndo4y48lhBASntms1OaWuaAoA_i5lM&e=>, including variants. Unvaccinated individuals are at the greatest risk of complications if they get infected. * Helping Us Return to Normal. If you are fully vaccinated, you can resume many of the activities<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.cdc.gov_coronavirus_2019-2Dncov_vaccines_fully-2Dvaccinated.html&d=DwMFaQ&c=qKdtBuuu6dQK9MsRUVJ2DPXW6oayO8fu4TfEHS8sGNk&r=t_70uHVWZNtnyW1PctIqSw&m=nOdhO7k5SQscJmjHn9t0QIlm9AmC8h-YS-zF7tz7Vu4&s=-Ev2avSGjNsvO--sfiLqpI2XwBLjnEWtwld6dLRpdhM&e=> you did before the pandemic. [White House College Vaccine Challenge] OU has joined hundreds of colleges and universities across the nation to support the White House-led COVID-19 College Vaccine Challenge. Learn More<https://ou.edu/insideou/articles/2021/july/ou-joins-white-house-led-covid-19-college-vaccine-challenge> More Information Norman Campus: ou.edu/together<http://www.ou.edu/together> Health Sciences Center: ouhsc.edu/coronavirus<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.ouhsc.edu_coronavirus&d=DwMFaQ&c=qKdtBuuu6dQK9MsRUVJ2DPXW6oayO8fu4TfEHS8sGNk&r=t_70uHVWZNtnyW1PctIqSw&m=FCelu1RUR3OLucpNCMbCL9VkUL8PA2MqEUIqv6x--EU&s=sakbD-TOMe1kC2odJEPRdGp1epbQLpzzqdWlJ73CYWg&e=> OU-Tulsa: ou.edu/tulsa/coronavirus<https://www.ou.edu/tulsa/coronavirus> ######################################################################## FM: 146.8800- || DMR: 443.8250+ || D-STAR: 444.7500+ || w5tc.org ######################################################################## Access the OUARC-L Home Page and Archives: https://lists.ou.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=OUARC-L Unsubscribe from the OUARC-L List: https://lists.ou.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=OUARC-L&A=1 ######################################################################## ######################################################################## FM: 146.8800- || DMR: 443.8250+ || D-STAR: 444.7500+ || w5tc.org ######################################################################## Access the OUARC-L Home Page and Archives: https://lists.ou.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=OUARC-L Unsubscribe from the OUARC-L List: https://lists.ou.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=OUARC-L&A=1 ######################################################################## ######################################################################## FM: 146.8800- || DMR: 443.8250+ || D-STAR: 444.7500+ || w5tc.org ######################################################################## Access the OUARC-L Home Page and Archives: https://lists.ou.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=OUARC-L Unsubscribe from the OUARC-L List: https://lists.ou.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=OUARC-L&A=1 ########################################################################