Oklahoma Writing Project and Oklahoma Public School Resource Center is hosting another date for the Plan, Prepare, Perform: 5th Grade Writing Test Prep Conference.See below for agenda and registration information.On a few seats left. Register soon to get a seat!February 18, 2022 AgendaArrival: 9:00-9:30 so sessions can begin at 9:30Address:Oklahoma Public School Resource Center309 NW 13th Street, Oklahoma City, OK, 73013Parking: There is limited parking in front of the build but there is plenty of room in the parking lot NORTH of the OPSRC Building. You can park in this lot and enter through the grey door that opens to the parking lot.Lunch: Provided by OPSRCEnding: Sessions will end at 3:00; Professional Development Certificates will be given out during last session.Please let me know if you have any questions or are unable to attend.Audra
9:00-9:30 Check In/Refreshments
Track 1Presenter:
Audra Plummer
Track 2Presenter:
Tamee Daniel
Session 1
Knowing Your Race
This session will guide participants through OSTP testing expectations. You will review blueprints, rubrics, DOK Levels and 6 Traits of Writing.
Knowing Your Race
This session will guide participants through OSTP testing expectations. You will review blueprints, rubrics, DOK Levels and 6 Traits of Writing.
10:30-10:45 Break
Session 2
Session Focus: Informative
This session will help teachers learn a structure to use for informative writing, walk through lesson plans and review state released student samples to learn what is expected. Participants will also learn best classroom practices when working with writers of various skill levels.
Session Focus: Informative
This session will focus on informative writing strategies for students who are below level. Participants will walk through lesson plans, discuss scaffolding strategies and review graphic organizers to help motivate and empower struggling writers.
11:45-12:45 Lunch Provided
Session 3
Session Focus: Opinion
This session will help teachers learn a structure to use for opinion writing, walk through lesson plans and review state released student samples to learn what is expected. Participants will also learn best classroom practices when working with writers of various skill levels.
Session Focus: Opinion
This session will focus on opinion writing strategies and lesson plans to scaffold, motivate and empower struggling writers. Participants will also review research based vocabulary tools that will grow students’ vocabulary learning each week.
1:45-2:00 Break
Session 4
Making Your Final Plan
This session will share tips when writing narratives as well as creating a 9 week plan to prepare your students for testing.
There will be time for discussion and ideas for application in your own classroom.
Making Your Final Plan
This session will focus on narrative writing strategies to scaffold struggling writers. Participants will create a timeline to prepare students for testing. There will be time for discussion and ideas for application in your own classroom.
Audra Plummer M. Ed.Co-Director of InserviceOklahoma Writing ProjectUniversity of OklahomaJeannine Rainbolt College of Education338 Cate Center Drive, Room 190Norman, Oklahoma 73019Phone: 405-310-8966OWP Office Phone: 405-325-2873FAX: 405-325-7841Teachers Teaching Teachers