Henry, FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE Register for the FREE Virtual Residency 2022 Summer Workshop on Research Computing Facilitation June 27 - July 1! https://ousurvey.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eIL6760A3nvNv1A (If you've already registered, or you've already told me that you won't be able to participate, please feel free to ignore this, or to forward it to anyone who might be interested and appropriate ....) The workshop webpage is here: http://www.oscer.ou.edu/virtualresidency2022/ --- SUMMARY: Virtual Residency 2022 Summer Workshop on INTRODUCTORY Research Computing Facilitation Mon June 27 (morning) - Fri July 1 (midday) 2022 Remote via videoconferencing only Registration: https://ousurvey.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eIL6760A3nvNv1A Contact: Henry Neeman ([log in to unmask]) http://www.oscer.ou.edu/virtualresidency2022/ There's NO PREREQUISITE other than an interest in helping researchers with their computing-intensive/data-intensive research. (Participation in any previous Virtual Residency workshop is NOT REQUIRED.) Please feel free to forward this to anyone who may be interested and appropriate. DETAILS: Does your institution have lots of researchers and educators who want to use advanced computing, but need some help learning how? You or someone at your institution can learn to be more effective at helping researchers and educators use research computing! This is a great way to get better at a career in helping researchers use research computing. It's also a great way to meet a community of fellow research computing facilitators. --- The Virtual Residency Program has already served: 1120 people from 417 institutions in all 50 US states and 4 US territories plus 13 other countries on 5 continents, including: * 63 Minority Serving Institutions (15% of VRP institutions); * 112 non-PhD-granting institutions, including 4 community colleges and 3 high schools (27% of VRP institutions); * 114 institutions in all 28 EPSCoR jurisdictions (27% of VRP institutions); * 281 of 353 Campus Champion institutions (67% of VRP institutions, 80% of Campus Champion institutions). And, 78% of VRP institutions have had participants who collectively have participated in VRP activities multiple times, and 67% of VRP institutions have had participants who collectively have participated in multiple types of VRP activities. Taking into account institutions already served by the Virtual Residency and institutions that are scheduled to be served by this coming summer's workshop: * in the latest Carnegie Classification ratings: -- 127 of 131 (97%) of R1 institutions (Carnegie Very High Research Activity), -- 86 of 135 (64%) of R2 institutions (Carnegie High Research Activity), including 57 of 80 R2 institutions (71%) that have centralized on-campus research computing resources; * in the latest US News rankings of national universities: -- all but one of the Top 10, -- all but one of the Top 25 (96%, because #25 is a 2-way tie); -- all but three of the Top 50 (94%, because #49 is a 6-way tie), -- 89 of the Top 100 (87%, because #99 is a 4-way tie), -- 129 of the Top 150 (80%, because #148 is a 14-way tie), -- 151 of the Top 200 (75%, because #196 is a 6-way tie). (This takes into account all of the Virtual Residency activities: workshops in 2015-21, a couple of mini-workshops run separately by the U California system, the Virtual Residency workshop planning calls, the Grant Proposal Writing Apprenticeship, the Paper Writing Apprenticeship, the Grant Running Apprenticeship, and preregistrations for the 2022 workshop.) Clarifying, since this question has come up in the past: You *DON'T* have to participated in ANY past Virtual Residency event (including this year's workshop planning calls), NOR in Campus Champions NOR Campus Research Computing Consortium (CaRCC) efforts, in order to participate in the 2022 Virtual Residency workshop -- though of course everyone in those groups are encouraged to participate! --- TOPIC LIST (tentative) http://www.oscer.ou.edu/virtualresidency2022/ Mon June 27 9:00-10:15am Central Time TALK: "Virtual Residency Introductory Workshop 2022 Overview" Henry Neeman, U Oklahoma This session will introduce both the Virtual Residency Program and this year's workshop. Mon June 27 10:45am-12:00noon Central Time TALK: Introductory: "Effective Communication: How to Talk to Researchers About Their Research" Henry Neeman, U Oklahoma In this session, we'll discuss research terminology, research computing versus enterprise IT, the mindset gap, things to say to a researcher, and how to find researchers and their projects. Mon June 27 1:30-2:45pm Central Time TALK: Introductory: "Faculty: Tenure, Promotion, Reward System" Bruce Mason, U Oklahoma Do the academic faculty and researchers with whom you work seem distracted, unresponsive, or stressed at times? Often? This session will be a discussion of the academic promotion and reward systems and changes in these systems. This might give you some insight into the thinking of researchers that can help with collaborations. Mon June 27 3:15-4:30pm Central Time TALK: Introductory: "Cyberinfrastructure User Support" Dylan Perkins, U Colorado Boulder This presentation will discuss topics such as: CI user expectations; CI categorization and commonalities; difficulties encountered by HPC support teams and users; best methods and strategies to follow for CI users support; approaches to common HPC user problems; CI outreach, education and training. Tue June 28 9:00-10:15am Central Time TALK: Introductory: "The Cyberinfrastructure Landscape: Systems, Service Providers, Technologies" Jacob Fosse Tande, U North Carolina Greensboro The diversity, scale and scope of the national CI landscape is sufficient rich and complex that researchers have to devote time and patience to determine which resource will best meet their needs. We will explore available systems, services providers and technologies, while focusing on where and how to access these resources. Tue June 28 10:45am-12:00noon Central Time TALK/DEMONSTRATION: Introductory: "How to Do an Intake Interview" / "Intake Interview Demonstrations" Dirk Colbry, Michigan State U Tue June 28 1:30-2:45pm Central Time TALK: Introductory: "Components and Design of a High Performance Computing Cluster" Jerry Perez, U Texas Dallas This talk will describe the various components and designs of an HPC Cluster. Tue June 28 3:15-4:30pm Central Time TALK: Introductory: "Research Networking Overview" Wallace Chase, U Otago (New Zealand) The internet is fine – I'm on Facebook right now! A discussion on how networking in support of data intensive research is not at all the same as networking for general use. Wed June 29 9:00-10:15am Central Time TALK: Introductory: "CyberAmbassadors: Let's Talk: Communicating That There's a Problem" Dirk Colbry, Michigan State U Wed June 29 10:45am-12:00noon Central Time PANEL: "Researcher Perspectives: What Do Researchers Need from Cyberinfrastructure Facilitators?" Moderator: Annelie Rugg, U California Los Angeles Carl Boettiger, U California Berkeley: Biosciences Phil Bording, Alabama A&M U: Physical Sciences/Engineering Jihong Ma, U Vermont: Physical Sciences/Engineering Additional panelists to be announced Wed June 29 1:30-2:45pm Central Time TALK/PRACTICUM: Introductory: "How to Do an Intake Interview" / "Intake Interviews with Real Researchers" Arman Pazouki, Northwestern U Wed June 29 3:15-3:50pm Central Time TALK: Introductory: "Deploying Community Codes" Josh Gyllinsky, U Rhode Island Wed June 29 3:55-4:30pm Central Time TALK: Introductory: "Debugging and Tuning" Prasad Maddumage, Florida State U Thu June 30 9:00-10:15am Central Time TALK: Introductory: "The Cyberinfrastrucure Landscape: Organizations" Dana Brunson, Internet2 Thu June 30 10:45am-12:00noon Central Time TALK: INTRODUCTORY: "CyberAmbassadors: Leading the Change: Equity and Inclusion; Leading with Principles: Ethics" Dirk Colbry, Michigan State U Diversity, in many dimensions, offers both challenges and opportunities to any relationship. Learning to identify, reflect upon, learn from, and engage with diverse perspectives is essential to fostering effective relationships and vibrant intellectual environments. "Leading the Change" explores challenges and solutions for creating more inclusive communities in STEM. STEM professionals play an important role in both teaching and modeling ethical behavior. There are ethical issues centering on the underlying technology: how to set up, maintain and secure resources, and how to use them appropriately to support research and practice. There are also ethical issues surrounding the relationships between STEM professionals and their colleagues, supervisors, and the public. Reflecting upon and discussing ethical behavior is an important part of becoming an effective STEM professional. Thu June 30 1:30-2:45pm Central Time PANEL: INTRODUCTORY: "Cyberinfrastructure Organization Leader Perspectives: What Do CI Organizations Need from Their CI Facilitators?" Moderator: Sandra Gesing, U Illinois Chicago Panelists: Curt Hilegas, Princeton U Himanshu Sharma U Illinois Chicago Jason Simms, Lafayette College Lisa Snyder, U California Los Angeles Additional panelists to be announced Abstract coming soon Thu June 30 3:15-4:30pm Central Time PANEL: "Working Effectively with Systems-Facing Professionals" Moderator: David Akin, U Oklahoma Panelists: Kyle Hutson, Kansas State U Andrew Keen, Michigan State U JP Pervez, U Texas Dallas Fri July 1 9:00-10:15am Central Time TALK: INTRODUCTORY: "Research Data Management" Jason Wells, Harvard U Fri July 1 10:45-12:00noon Central Time ROUNDTABLE: "Stories from the Trenches" Moderator: Henry Neeman, U Oklahoma In this session, workshop attendees will swap stories of interest to CI Facilitators. ================================================================== If you know of others who might appreciate these announcements, please have them contact [log in to unmask] If you'd prefer not to receive announcements from the sender of this e-mail, please send a reply e-mail back to the sender requesting to be removed.