OSCER users, SUMMARY: Are you interested in using GPU cards for number crunching, especially for Machine Learning calculations? We've finally received most of the NVIDIA "Ampere" A100 top-of-the-line GPU cards (and their servers) that we ordered in January, with a few more such servers still pending. We hope to have at least some of these in production in the coming several weeks. These GPU cards will be available to all OSCER users, at no charge (sponsored by OU's Chief Information Officer). DETAILS: Initially, there'll be a total of 12 general-use A100 cards, as follows: * 3 servers with dual A100 cards @ 80 GB GPU memory each, with the two A100 cards in each such server connected to each other via "NVlink" at 600 GB/sec; * 3 servers with dual A100 cards @ 40 GB GPU RAM each (no NVlink). And, as previously announced, we've received an NSF Campus Cyberinfrastructure Compute grant of $400K for GPU cards (and their servers). For those funds, we're waiting until NVIDIA's new generation, "Hopper" (specifically H100) is released, hopefully in late 2022/early 2023. The grant-funded H100 cards will likewise be free for OSCER users (sponsored by the NSF). We expect all these GPU cards to remain in production for not only the lifetime of our new supercomputer, Sooner, but also its successor, Boomer, so probably through 2029 or so. And, we'll continue to add future generation GPU cards as well. --- Henry Neeman ([log in to unmask]) Director, OU Supercomputing Center for Education & Research (OSCER) Associate Professor, Gallogly College of Engineering Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Computer Science OU Information Technology The University of Oklahoma Engineering Lab 212, 200 Felgar St, Norman OK 73019 405-325-5386 (office), 405-325-5486 (fax), 405-245-3823 (cell), [log in to unmask] (to e-mail me a text message) http://www.oscer.ou.edu/