########################################################################You know the drill by now ... usual place, usual time. I will be co-hosting someone as soon as we get going since I am at the office today. If I co-host someone, I can duck out and go home and re-join and the call won't (shouldn't) drop.
Please join us if you can at the link below. 1600 hours local time today. Time to start talking about how to get that grant money spent.
https://oklahoma.zoom.us/j/97079324739?pwd=Y2hacGRVcGtmUGsycnRBRldKbjdxUT09 Meeting ID: 970 7932 4739 / Passcode: hamradio
Details on the grant: https://www.ampr.org/grants/2021-grants/grant-equipment-upgrade-for-the-alpha-sigma-delta-radio-society/
Peter Laws, BS, MRCP / N5UWY
National Weather Center / Network Operations Center
University of Oklahoma Information Technology
[log in to unmask] / he, him, his
FM: 146.8800- || DMR: 443.8250+ || D-STAR: 444.7500+ || w5tc.org
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FM: 146.8800- || DMR: 443.8250+ || D-STAR: 444.7500+ || w5tc.org
Access the OUARC-L Home Page and Archives: https://lists.ou.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=OUARC-L
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