OSCER users,

Forwarding from the Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Coordination
Ecosystem: Services and Support (ACCESS) project.

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ACCESS External Advisory Board: Nominations Sought
Deadline: Nov 6 2022 5:00pm PDT
Contact: [log in to unmask]


Subject: ACCESS opens nominations for External Advisory Board...

ACCESS (Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Coordination Ecosystem: 
Services and Support) has opened nominations for the ACCESS
External Advisory Board (EAB).

The EAB is an essential element of the ACCESS governance
structure, ensuring that the program benefits by input and
feedback from a diverse and wide range of community
stakeholders and experts.

ACCESS is a five-year program that will improve the
accessibility of national cyberinfrastructure centers and
increase integration with systems and research communities
on campuses across the nation.

ACCESS entered formal service operations on September 1, 2022.

Details on the ACCESS program are available at:


The EAB is chartered by the ACCESS Executive Council, which
comprises the principal investigators of the ACCESS
Coordination Office and the individual ACCESS Service Track

The EAB provides expert advice and feedback to the EC on the
range of topics relevant for the success of the ACCESS program.

ACCESS seeks persons interested in providing this critical
input to the program.

Individuals may nominate themselves and/or offer the name of
others who may be interested.

In the case of nominating others, ACCESS staff will follow-up
with the recommended individual to confirm their interest and
have them submit an application on their behalf.

Further information about the EAB and this process are
available at:


Instructions for submitting nominations are available on our
nomination form at:


Nominations are accepted through 5pm PDT, on November 6, 2022.

Questions about this should be directed to

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