Oklahoma Writing Project Summer InstituteDates: June 6-9, June 13-16, June 20-23;
Location: OU Norman Campus, Collings Hall
*During the institute, Norman campus staff should plan on arriving around 8:15 am and leaving around 4:30 pm.
OWP Summer Institute Back-to-School Drive-In Conference
(to support new Teacher Consultants making presentations for the first time)
Possible Date: TBD
Possible Location: TBD
IMPORTANT: Start saving your student writing samples now. You will need student samples for your interview and during the Summer Institute. Be sure and save high/low ability examples from your writing lessons. Originals are great but copies are fine. At the interview, you will bring your professional vita and some of your student writing samples.
Please contract Dr. Crag Hill(director) at
[log in to unmask], Patty Coleman (co-director)
[log in to unmask], or Sandi Hebert(co-director) at
[log in to unmask], if you have a specific question about 2023 OWP Summer Institute