If I'm not at my desk, I will try to kick it off on my phone.

SCARS meeting tomorrow morning 0900 at the Moore Emergency Operations Center - directions, etc:  https://w5nor.org/#march-3-amateur-radio-testing  (ignore the text - it goes to roughly the right place)

Regular time/place. 

https://oklahoma.zoom.us/j/97079324739?pwd=Y2hacGRVcGtmUGsycnRBRldKbjdxUT09  Meeting ID: 970 7932 4739 / Passcode: hamradio

Saturday, 1200 - Weekly SCARS Siren Test Net - https://w5nor.org/siren/
Tuesday, 1830 - Weekly SCARS Elmer Night - https://w5nor.org/elmernights/

Badly outdated club website:  http://w5tc.org/

Peter Laws, BS, MRCP / N5UWY
National Weather Center / Network Operations Center
University of Oklahoma Information Technology
[log in to unmask] / he, him, his



FM: 146.8800- || DMR: 443.8250+ || D-STAR: 444.7500+ || w5tc.org


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