Good morning SCC members!

Happy Summer Season!

Are you ready for the biggest election of 2023!

Blast those fireworks!

Grill those burgers, hotdogs, chickens, and cobs of corn!

Scoop that ice cream or whip cream or spray bottle of cream stuff on that apple pie!

Because on Wednesday, July 5, the SCC/MLA 2023 Election Ballot will be released (pending EMPs, IMPs, MPs, and other power outage causing phenomena)!

Also, included with the Ballot will be a survey from the SCC/MLA DEI Task Force. Please take the time to respond to it as well.

Summer minus 15 (or Summer plus 15) - either way, look for the Start of the 2023 SCC/MLA Election in 15 Days!

David Duggar
Chair, SCC/MLA Nominating Committee