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The Medical Library Association (MLA) is now accepting applications for the Eugene Garfield Research Fellowship. This fellowship aims to stimulate research into the history or discoverability and dissemination of information in the medical or health sciences, recognizing that this key knowledge area helps practitioners and researchers interpret the present and prepare for the future.  


The fellowship offers a grant of up to $5,000. MLA awards the fellowship through a competitive grant process, with details described here: https://www.mlanet.org/p/cm/ld/fid=307. The awardee will be notified in the spring of 2024. 


Applications are due by November 15th, 2023, at 11:59 pm (CDT).  

Previous awardees have pursued research in the following areas: 



Please feel free to reach out with any questions to the Jury Chair, Nita Mailander, at [log in to unmask], or any of our jury committee members:


Thank you, 

MLA Eugene Garfield Research Fellowship Jury 



Pronounced (Zan)


Librarian | Racial Healing Circle Facilitator | Intercultural Communicator